Everything Is Broken: How the Childcare Market Creates Inequality (under contract with University of California Press)
Articles (pdfs linked)
Bouek, Jennifer. 2023. “The Wait List as Redistributive Policy: Access and Burdens in the Subsidized Childcare System.” RSF: The Russell Sage Journal of the Social Sciences 9(5): 76-97.
Bouek, Jennifer. 2022. “From the State to the Street: The Segregated Decline of Child Care and the Institutional Origins of Organizational Deprivation.” American Journal of Sociology.
Winner of the 2020 SSSP Poverty, Class and Inequality Division Graduate Student Paper Award
Bouek, Jennifer. 2018. "Navigating Networks: How Nonprofit Network Membership Shapes Response to Resource Scarcity." Social Problems.
Winner of the 2018 James Thompson Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work
Public Writing
Bouek, Jennifer. 2021. “As written, Build Back Better could support — or devastate — child care for disadvantaged working parents.” Washington Post, December 6.
Edited Volumes
Bouek, Jennifer. 2018. “The Rise and Falter of the Emergency Food Assistance Network.” In Food and Poverty: Food Insecurity and Food Sovereignty among America’s Poor, edited by L. Hossfeld, E.B. Kelly, and J. Waity. Vanderbilt Press: Nasheville, TN.
Short, Susan E. and Jennifer W. Bouek. 2015. “Fertility Rates” in The WileyBlackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies edited by Nancy Naples.
Under Review
Agbai, Chinyere, Jennifer Bouek, and Thomas Marlow (equal authorship). “Trajectories of Deprivation: Linking Neighborhood Change with Access to Social Service Organizations.” (Revise and Resubmit at Social Problems)
In Progress